Mengungkap Fakta Dibalik Ketidakjelasan Fungsi Perawat
Di Lingkup Perawatan Kesehatan Masyarakat
By :
Millenium Development Goal’s (MDG’s) adalah issue global yang memaksa Negara kita pada situasi kompetitif yang berupaya meningkatkan Sumber Daya manusia yang diukur dengan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM).
Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) yang salah satu aspeknya adalah bidang kesehatan mempunyai 3 indikator, yaitu : Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI), Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB), dan Usia Harapan Hidup (UHH).
Pada dua indicator IPM (AKB & AKI) sangat kentara di telinga kita semua, bahkan para pengambil kebijakan bahwa indicator masukannya sangat berkaitan erat dengan profesi tetangga kita. Hal itu seakan menjadi tolak ukur mereka (para pengambil kebijakan) untuk setiap kebijakan selalu mengutamakan atau hanya memasukan indikator masukan itu, lihat saja pada program PPK-IPM yang meluncurkan program yang dinamakan GEMAR MADANI, yang dkhususkan di bidang kesehatan dinamakan GEMAR BERSEKA lagi lagi mereka menspesialkan profesi tetangga kita, karena memang output dan outcome dari program tersebut mengacu pada indikator IPM.
Fakta lain yang saya analisa dan perhatikan pada Program Nasional Pembangunan Masyarakat (PNPM), untuk pembangunan di bidang kesehatan kebijakannya tertuju atau lebih tepatnya dominan pada satu program saja untuk menurunkan angka kematian bayi dan angka kematian ibu.
Oke lah semua itu memang program pemerintah yang menurut saya sangat positif dan inovatif, dan setiap program yang diluncurkan akan menelurkan sebuah kebijakan yang berorientasi pada trend atau issue saat itu sebagai target pencapainnya, dalam hal ini adalah peningkatan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia. Akan tetapi bagaimanakah proses di lapangan yang sebenarnya terjadi sebagai indikator proses??, apakah indikator masukan yang ada sudah maksimal dalam menjalankan tugas-tugasnya secara mandiri dalam arti kata tanpa bantuan profesi lain yang tidak menjadi indikator masukan??dan apakah benar-benar profesi saya khususnya (perawat gitu lho) tidak lagi atau lebih sopannya kurang difungsikan untuk mendukung peningkatan IPM tersebut??
Ingatlah teman, cobalah analisa sekali lagi bahkan berulang kali kalau masih fikiran teman-teman seprofesi belum terbuka (open minded), semua program yang menyangkut peningkatan IPM khususnya di bidang kesehatan seharusnya tugas kita atau minimalnya kita sebagai koordinatornya, karena menurut saya upaya pokok yang dijalankan di lingkup kesehatan masyarakat adalah upaya PROMOTIF dan PREVENTIF, bukankah aspek legal kita sebagai ruang lingkup perawat kesehatan masyarakat adalah coordinator semua upaya kesehatan termasuk upaya kesehatan ibu & anak, kesehatan lingkungan, perbaikan gizi masyarakat dan sebaginya??akan tetapi ironisnya bukan kita menjadi coordinator tapi kita menjadi PEMBANTU profesi lain sebagai kompensasi dari kebijakan dan mungkin KEBODOHAN kita selama ini.
Tersisih,…..ya saya katakana kita sudah tersisih oleh kebijakan dan kebodohan ini, lihatlah hasil dari kenyataan ini:
1. Tidak jelasnya posisi fungsional kita sebagai perawat kesehatan masyarakat
2. Kurangnya penghargaan terhadap kinerja perawat di puskesmas
3. Tidak adanya pendanaan untuk perawat khususnya TKS dari Dinas terkait atau yang diatasnya
4. Rencana kuota rekrutmen perawat sangat tidak ideal dengan jumlah perawat saat ini dibandingkan dengan profesi tetangga kita
Dan mungkin banyak lagi kenyataan pahit lain yang kita rasakan, atau mungkin hanya saya saja yang merasakannya,....?? apakah teman-teman merasakan atau peka terhadap semua ini?? Atau mungkin teman-teman sudah tidak perduli karena mungkin sebagian teman-teman sudah menikmati profesi ini yang dihiasi dengan status kepegawaian teman yang sudah mantap bahkan diterlenakan oleh jabatan struktural yang sudah digapai??
Tidak,.......saya sama sekali tidak negatif thinking, saya berperasangka baik bahwa teman-teman hanya belum terbuka saja oleh fakta ini, dan saya yakin sebagian besar teman-teman sangat peka terhadap masalah ini, hanya mungkin kita masih confuse tentang langkah yang harus diambil sebagai satu langkah yang konstruktif profesional untuk mengembalikan fungsi kita sebagai KOORDINATOR KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT, untuk menjawab keraguan pemerintah akan fungsi kita dalam meningkatklan INDEKS PEMBANGUNAN MANUSIA di bidang kesehatan.
Arsip Blog
student of the year

Kamis, 06 November 2008
I. The Components of Nursing Process
The nursing process is a systematic, rational method of providing nursing care. Today, the nursing process is usually described as having five steps or phases : assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, nursing intervention, and evaluation.
1. Assessment is collecting and organizing data about a patient or client. Data are gathered from a variety of sources and are the basis for action and decisions taken in subsequent steps.
2. Nursing diagnosis is the identification and delineation of a pationt’s response to her or his situation. The diagnosis is stated as actual or potensial problems within the scope of nursing practice.
3. Planning includes validating the nursing diagnosis and then planning how best to help the patient.
4. Nursing intervention is the implementation of the planned nursing care. Intervention may be carried out by the nurse responsible for assessment, diagnosis, and planning, intervention also may be delegated to other nursing personnel.
5. Evaluation is comparing the patient’s response to the intervention with predetermined standars, often referred to as outcome criteria or evaluative criteria
II. Characteristics of the Nursing Process
The nursing process has these functional characteristics, they are :
1. It can be viewed from a systems and a humanistic perspective
2. The system is open, flexible, and dynamic.
3. Feedback is important in the process.
4. The nurse is permitted maximum flexibility and creativity
III. Evaluation
Task 1
Read the phrases written above correctly!!
Task 2
Analize the phrases above and answer these questions below accordingly!!
1. What do you know obout the nursing process?
2. How many phases are the nursing process?
3. Define each component of the nursing process!
4. Outline activities involved in each component of the nursing process!
5. Identify essential characteristics of the nursing process
6. Describe the humanistic approach to the nursing process
The objectives for student after learning this subject
1. Exercise reading ability (reading)
2. Know essential terms and fact related to the nursing process (understanding)
a. Understanding the nursing process
b. Understanding the phases of the nursing process
c. Defining each component of the nursing process
d. Outlining activities involved in each component of the nursing process
e. Identifying essential characteristics of the nursing process
f. Describing the humanistic approach to the nursing process
3. Understanding the grammer focus (article)
Although nurses have always assesed their patients conditions, increasingly specific techniques are being employed to determine health status. These techniques include those that assess physical health status. An outline of the physical assessment techniques to determine vital signs as well as influencing factors and points of emphasis follows :
1. body temperature
a. Influencing factors
i. Age
1. Newborns :fluctuations between 36.1 and 37.7 C
2. 2 years : 37.2 C
3. 6 years : 37.0 C
4. 12 years : 37.0 C
5. Adult : 37.0 C
6. Elderly : 36 C
ii. Time of day
1. Lowest in the morning
2. Highest in the evening
iii. Sex : body temperature increased by ovulation
iv. Emotions : temperature increased by heightened emotions
v. Exercise : elevates body temperature
vi. Temperature of environment : direct relationship to body temperature
b. Sites of measurement
i. Oral
1. Taken for 2 to 8 minutes
2. contraindicated for infants, young children, nose breather, the confused, those with oral surgery, and in some agencies, for patients receiving oxygen by cannula or mask
ii. Rectal
1. Indicated for the very young, unconscious, or confused patient
2. Contraindicated for patients with rectal pathologic conditions or trauma
3. Taken for 2 or 3 minutes
4. must be held in place
iii. Axilla
1. Least accurate of the three methods
2. Taken for 10 minutes
c. Types of fever
i. Intermitten
ii. Remittent
iii. Relapsing
d. Symptoms of fever
i. During fever onset
1. shivering and chills
2. increased pulse rate
3. pallor and skin coldness
4. gooseflesh
5. convulsions with high temperature
ii. during fever cours
1. skin feels warm
2. flushing
3. headache, irritability, restlessness
4. disorientation with hight temperature
5. weakness
6. dehydration
iii. during fever termination
1. increased diaphoresis
2. skin redness
2. Pulse measurement
a. Pulse sites
i. Temporal
ii. Carotid
iii. Brachial
iv. Radial
v. Femoral
vi. Popliteal
vii. Dorsalis pedis
viii. Apical
b. Factors influencing pulse rate per minute
i. Age
1. newborns : fluctuates between 70 and 170 beats per minute
2. 2 years : 80 to 130
3. 12 years : boys , 65 to 105, girls, 70 to 110
4. 18 years : boys, 50 to 90, girls, 70 to 110
5. adults : same as 18 years
6. elderly : 70 to 80 or same as 18 years
ii. Sex : lower pulse rates in men than women
iii. Exercise : increases pulse rate
iv. Emotions : tachycardia with sympathetic nervous system stimulation
v. Heat : pulse rate elevated by prolonged external heat
vi. Body position : pulse rate increased by prolonged horizontal position
3. Respirations
a. Variations in respiratory rate by age
i. Newborn : 30 to 40 breath per minute, irregular and shallow
ii. Adult : 16 to 20
iii. Elderly : same as adult or increased rate and shallow
b. Measurements in addition to rate
i. Depth : observed by movement of the chest or by the use of pulmonary equipment
ii. Rhthm : normally regular
iii. Character : normally silent and effortless
4. Blood pressure
a. Measured in mm Hg
i. Systolic pressure
ii. Dyastolic pressure
b. Factors controlling blood pressure
i. Cardiac output
ii. Bood volume
iii. Elasticity of arterial walls
iv. Size of arterioles and capillaries
c. Factors influencing blood pressure
i. Age
1. newborn has systolic pressure of 65 to 90 mm Hg and a diastolic pressure of 30 to 60 mm Hg
2. adult has systolic pressure of 110 to 140 and a diastolic pressure of 60 to 80
ii. Exercise increases blood pressure
iii. Stress : moderate stress increases blood pressure, but severe stress may lower the pressure
d. Methods of measurement
i. Direct
ii. Indirect
e. Abnormalities
i. Hypertension : above 140 systolic
ii. Hypotension : below 100 systolic
I. The Components of Nursing Process
The nursing process is a systematic, rational method of providing nursing care. Today, the nursing process is usually described as having five steps or phases : assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, nursing intervention, and evaluation.
1. Assessment is collecting and organizing data about a patient or client. Data are gathered from a variety of sources and are the basis for action and decisions taken in subsequent steps.
2. Nursing diagnosis is the identification and delineation of a pationt’s response to her or his situation. The diagnosis is stated as actual or potensial problems within the scope of nursing practice.
3. Planning includes validating the nursing diagnosis and then planning how best to help the patient.
4. Nursing intervention is the implementation of the planned nursing care. Intervention may be carried out by the nurse responsible for assessment, diagnosis, and planning, intervention also may be delegated to other nursing personnel.
5. Evaluation is comparing the patient’s response to the intervention with predetermined standars, often referred to as outcome criteria or evaluative criteria
II. Characteristics of the Nursing Process
The nursing process has these functional characteristics, they are :
1. It can be viewed from a systems and a humanistic perspective
2. The system is open, flexible, and dynamic.
3. Feedback is important in the process.
4. The nurse is permitted maximum flexibility and creativity
III. Evaluation
Task 1
Read the phrases written above correctly!!
Task 2
Analize the phrases above and answer these questions below accordingly!!
1. What do you know obout the nursing process?
2. How many phases are the nursing process?
3. Define each component of the nursing process!
4. Outline activities involved in each component of the nursing process!
5. Identify essential characteristics of the nursing process
6. Describe the humanistic approach to the nursing process
The objectives for student after learning this subject
1. Exercise reading ability (reading)
2. Know essential terms and fact related to the nursing process (understanding)
a. Understanding the nursing process
b. Understanding the phases of the nursing process
c. Defining each component of the nursing process
d. Outlining activities involved in each component of the nursing process
e. Identifying essential characteristics of the nursing process
f. Describing the humanistic approach to the nursing process
3. Understanding the grammer focus (article)
Although nurses have always assesed their patients conditions, increasingly specific techniques are being employed to determine health status. These techniques include those that assess physical health status. An outline of the physical assessment techniques to determine vital signs as well as influencing factors and points of emphasis follows :
1. body temperature
a. Influencing factors
i. Age
1. Newborns :fluctuations between 36.1 and 37.7 C
2. 2 years : 37.2 C
3. 6 years : 37.0 C
4. 12 years : 37.0 C
5. Adult : 37.0 C
6. Elderly : 36 C
ii. Time of day
1. Lowest in the morning
2. Highest in the evening
iii. Sex : body temperature increased by ovulation
iv. Emotions : temperature increased by heightened emotions
v. Exercise : elevates body temperature
vi. Temperature of environment : direct relationship to body temperature
b. Sites of measurement
i. Oral
1. Taken for 2 to 8 minutes
2. contraindicated for infants, young children, nose breather, the confused, those with oral surgery, and in some agencies, for patients receiving oxygen by cannula or mask
ii. Rectal
1. Indicated for the very young, unconscious, or confused patient
2. Contraindicated for patients with rectal pathologic conditions or trauma
3. Taken for 2 or 3 minutes
4. must be held in place
iii. Axilla
1. Least accurate of the three methods
2. Taken for 10 minutes
c. Types of fever
i. Intermitten
ii. Remittent
iii. Relapsing
d. Symptoms of fever
i. During fever onset
1. shivering and chills
2. increased pulse rate
3. pallor and skin coldness
4. gooseflesh
5. convulsions with high temperature
ii. during fever cours
1. skin feels warm
2. flushing
3. headache, irritability, restlessness
4. disorientation with hight temperature
5. weakness
6. dehydration
iii. during fever termination
1. increased diaphoresis
2. skin redness
2. Pulse measurement
a. Pulse sites
i. Temporal
ii. Carotid
iii. Brachial
iv. Radial
v. Femoral
vi. Popliteal
vii. Dorsalis pedis
viii. Apical
b. Factors influencing pulse rate per minute
i. Age
1. newborns : fluctuates between 70 and 170 beats per minute
2. 2 years : 80 to 130
3. 12 years : boys , 65 to 105, girls, 70 to 110
4. 18 years : boys, 50 to 90, girls, 70 to 110
5. adults : same as 18 years
6. elderly : 70 to 80 or same as 18 years
ii. Sex : lower pulse rates in men than women
iii. Exercise : increases pulse rate
iv. Emotions : tachycardia with sympathetic nervous system stimulation
v. Heat : pulse rate elevated by prolonged external heat
vi. Body position : pulse rate increased by prolonged horizontal position
3. Respirations
a. Variations in respiratory rate by age
i. Newborn : 30 to 40 breath per minute, irregular and shallow
ii. Adult : 16 to 20
iii. Elderly : same as adult or increased rate and shallow
b. Measurements in addition to rate
i. Depth : observed by movement of the chest or by the use of pulmonary equipment
ii. Rhthm : normally regular
iii. Character : normally silent and effortless
4. Blood pressure
a. Measured in mm Hg
i. Systolic pressure
ii. Dyastolic pressure
b. Factors controlling blood pressure
i. Cardiac output
ii. Bood volume
iii. Elasticity of arterial walls
iv. Size of arterioles and capillaries
c. Factors influencing blood pressure
i. Age
1. newborn has systolic pressure of 65 to 90 mm Hg and a diastolic pressure of 30 to 60 mm Hg
2. adult has systolic pressure of 110 to 140 and a diastolic pressure of 60 to 80
ii. Exercise increases blood pressure
iii. Stress : moderate stress increases blood pressure, but severe stress may lower the pressure
d. Methods of measurement
i. Direct
ii. Indirect
e. Abnormalities
i. Hypertension : above 140 systolic
ii. Hypotension : below 100 systolic
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